Alex Zhao Zhang 张钊

Alex Zhao Zhang 张钊

J.D., 1989

Alex Zhao Zhang, received his bachelor of arts from the Institute of International Relations in 1983. Zhang then earned his Master of Laws at China University of Political Science and Law in 1985. In 1989, Zhang received a Juris Doctor from the University of Minnesota’s Law School.

Zhang serves as the head of White & Case Shanghai Office where he is recognized as a leading lawyer for China-related corporate, private equity and M&A transactions in the market. He has served as the trade representative for the State of Minnesota in Hong Kong and has worked with University departments to strengthen the University’s exchange and alumni relationships. He has coordinated University delegation visits and has supported the University’s Law School in the development of their L.L.M. degree in Beijing. In 2004, Zhang received the University of Minnesota Outstanding Achievement Award.

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张钊现任美国伟凯律师事务所上海办公室首席代表,负责该所在中国地区的商业贸易和并购业务。他在中国公司治理、私募股权、收购兼并的法务领域享有盛名,被 Chambers Asia和 PLC Which Lawyer评为最佳律师之一。他曾担任美国明尼苏达州在香港的贸易代表,协助美国公司在亚太地区发展。作为明尼苏达大学校友,他积极促进学校各部门与中国的交流,协助明尼苏达大学赴华访问团,协助明尼苏达大学法学院法学硕士与中国的合作。2004年张钊获得明尼苏达大学颁发的杰出成就奖(此奖是明尼苏达大学给校友颁发的最高荣誉之一)。