Fanny Cheung 张妙清

Fanny Cheung 张妙清

Ph.D., Psychology, 1975

Fanny Cheung graduated from the University of California at Berkley with a bachelor of arts in 1970, and then from the University of Minnesota with a doctoral degree in psychology in 1975.

Cheung is currently vice president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, professor of psychology at Choh-Ming Li, and is the founding director of the Gender Research Center at the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. In the early 1990s she took the lead in developing the Cross-Cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory, which was one of the first initiatives in the field to develop a local, non-Western inventory of personality. 1996 to 1999, Cheung served as the founding chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Hong Kong government.

Cheung received the Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals from the University of Minnesota in 2003 because of her influential leadership in the field of mental health and gender studies in Hong Kong and Asia.She was appointed as Justice of the Peace in Hong Kong in 1988 and served as the Hong Kong Counsel for the People’s Republic of China during 1995 -1997.She received the Distinguished Psychologist Award in 2005 and the award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology in 2012 from the American Psychological Association.

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毕业回到香港后,她在香港中文大学心理学系任教。90年代她带领着团队建立了跨文化人格评估数据库。这是第一个收集针对亚洲本地而非西方人性格进行评估的数据库。她的工作成果对整个亚洲范围内的学科发展影响很大。1996-1999年, 张妙清成为香港政府机会平等委员会的创会主席,并为研究中心建立基金会。目前张妙清教授是香港中文大学副校长、卓敏心理学讲座教授、香港亚太研究所所长。

张妙清博士于1988年获得太平绅士荣誉,1995-1997年担任中华人民共和国香港事务顾问,2003年获得明尼苏达大学杰出国际领袖奖,2005年 获得美国心理系学会国际心理学分会杰出国际心理学家奖,2012年获得美国心理学会推动心理学国际发展杰出贡献奖。