Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, 1957
Hsieh Sam-Chung, who was born in 1919 in Meixian, Guangdong Province, obtained his master’s degree from the National Central University in Taiwan and his doctorate in agricultural economics at the University of Minnesota in 1957. After graduation from the University, he was a lecturer at National Taiwan University and National Chung Hsing University.
Beginning in 1965, Hsieh worked for Asian Development Bank at their headquarters in the Philippines, while simultaneously working as a visiting professor at National University of the Philippines. In 1981, he returned to his previous employer, Executive Yuan in Taiwan, to serve as the vice president of the Economic Construction Committee. In July 1983, he became the Chairman of the Board of Jiaotong Bank and in August 1983 the Trustee of Central bank. In 1989, he became the president of the Central Bank. After retiring, Hsieh had a number of honorary positions and travelled around the world to give speeches. In 1990 he received the University of Minnesota’s Outstanding Achievement Award.
他曾分别于国立台湾大学、国立中兴大学法商学院执教。1951年至1965年间于谢先生于中华民国行政院农复会任职,尔后赴总部设于菲律宾的亚洲开发银行任职投资计划审核处处长,在亚银期间于菲律宾国立大学兼任客座教授。1981年7月,他返台出任行政院经济建设委员会副主委。1983年7月任交通银行董事长,同年8月任中央银行理事。 最后于1989年膺任中华民国中央银行总裁 。1994年,他出任“总统府”国策顾问。同年又出任中国信托公司董事、中国信托商业银行决策委员会总裁。后担任台“中华经济研究院”董事长。1998年3月,他成为任台湾工业银行董事长。并于各地座谈讲学。