Li Daokui 李道揆

Li Daokui 李道揆

Master in Political Science, 1949

Li Daokui, who was born in 1919, received his master’s degree in political science from the University of Minnesota in 1949.

He returned to China and first served as a researcher in the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in Beijing. In 1979, he joined the Institute of World Political Science at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Li won a Luce Foundation scholarship to conduct research at the University of Southern California from 1981 to 1983 on the American political system. During that period he visited the University of Minnesota Libraries and collected material from the Hennepin County Library to be used as primary material for a chapter related to the organization of local government in the book he was writing.Li’s publications include two major works on American government: “The Structure of American Government and its Personnel System” and “American Government and American Politics.”

Li Daokui was an honorary member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.



回国后,李道揆在中华全国总工会开展研究工作。1979年,李道揆加入中国社会科学院世界政治研究所工作。1981-1983年,李道揆获卢斯基金奖学金,在南加州大学开展美国政治体系研究。在这期间内,他重访明尼苏达大学图书馆并从 Hennepin County图书馆收集到很多资料,用于他关于本地政府组织的书籍写作。

