Doctorate in Oral Biology, 1994
M.S., Biophysical Science, 1995
Lin Chun-Pin earned a doctorate in oral biology from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 1994 and a master of science in biophysical science from the College of Science and Engineering in 1995. He is an expert microscopist, which makes him prominent in the field of academic and clinical dentistry, both in Taiwan and internationally. Lin is also recognized for his work in biomechanical studies, clinical service, and administrative services.
He serves as president of the Academy of Endodontology of Taiwan, and in 2000, he became secretary of medical affairs at the National Taiwan University Hospital, taking charge of both medical and dental affairs. Lin played a crucial role in the establishment of the Center for Medical Quality and served as its first director.Lin is also a dedicated educator in Taiwan. He re-established the School of Dentistry at National Taiwan University Hospital as an independent institution.
As an accomplished researcher, Lin led the the way in Taiwanese dental research. He once served as Taiwan’s administrator for the International Association for Dental Research – Southeast Asia. Lin also hosted and chaired several of the largest international dental conferences, including the Asia-Pacific Endodontics Conference.
In 2012, Lin received the Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals from the University of Minnesota.
Photo Source: Global Programs and Strategy Alliance
林俊彬对台湾的口腔医学教育做出很大贡献,他重建了国立台湾大学口腔学院,使它成为独立于医学院的教学部门,在那里他被选为学院院长和部门主任。此外,他领导着台湾最著名的口腔研究杂志——口腔医学杂志 。林俊彬曾在东南亚国际口腔研究联合协会上出任台湾代表。他还支持举办了很多例如亚太牙髓学大会的大型国际会议。