Ph.D., Health Sciences Research, Administration, and Policy, 1995
Liu Yuanli graduated from Tongji Medical University with a master of public health in 1987. He then came to the U.S. and obtained a master of science at Harvard University one year later. In 1995, he received a Ph.D. in Health Services Research, Administration, and Policy from the University of Minnesota.
In 1994, Liu returned to Harvard to serve as a senior lecturer. He has conducted empirical research into health system performance and reform issues. Liu serves as the founding director of the Harvard School of Public Health’s China Initiative, a major effort aimed at helping advance health and social development in China. He has published more than 70 scientific articles and book chapters.
Liu has also served as consultant for a number of international organizations including the United Nations, World Bank and the World Health Organization. He is an adjunct professor at the Health and Development Institute at the Tsinghua University School of Public Policy and Management and also serves on the Expert Committee on Health Policy and Management of the Chinese Ministry of Health.
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从1994年起至今,刘远立在哈 佛大学公共卫生学院从事国际卫生政策的科研和教学工作 。现任哈福大学公共卫生学院高级讲师, 中国项目部主任,博士生导师,哈佛大学公共 卫生学院“中国行动计划”主任,清华大学公共管理学院卫生语发展研究中心主任。 “中国行动计划”包括与卫生 部合办的高级卫生管理干部培训,重大公共卫生问题研究,以及 与中央党校合作举办的社会发展论坛等项目。
刘远立教授曾担任包括联合国,世界银行,世界卫生组织等国际组织在内的项目顾问。刘远立还受聘担任清华大学卫生政策与管理专业的兼职教授,并担任清华大学公共管理学院卫生 与发展研究中心的主任。刘远立教授是中国卫生部卫生政策与管理专家委员会的委员。