Ma Xiaowei 马晓暐

Ma Xiaowei 马晓暐

Master of Landscape Architecture, 1989

Ma Xiaowei received his bachelor’s degree from Beijing Forestry University in 1986, majoring in garden design. He received a master’s degree in landscape architecture from the University of Minnesota in 1989. He then began his career with Ellerbe Becket, which is an international architectural, engineering, and construction firm, where he collaborated with Cliff Garton for the Saint Paul Cultural Garden project.

In 1993, he joined architectural, landscape architectural, and planning firm Sasaki Associates in Boston office where he worked on projects such as the Central Indianapolis Riverfront. In 2001, Ma went back to China and founded AGER. His 25 years of practice in international design enabled him to compare western and eastern designs from various aspects and integrate traditional Chinese garden culture with green and low-carbon international design philosophies.

Ma is the president and principal of AGER GROUP. He also serves as trustee of the Shanghai Landscape Committee, guest professor at Tsinghua University, and associate of the Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University of Minnesota.

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1986年毕业于北京林业大学园林设计专业,后任教于北京理工大学工业设计系。1989年赴美就读于明尼苏达大学建筑设计研究院,取得景观设计硕士学位。毕业后进入明尼阿波利斯市Ellerbe Becket事务所工作,在此期间与艺术家克利夫•加顿合作设计了奥瑞根州比佛顿市政广场,及具有广泛影响的明尼苏达州圣保罗市建州纪念诗园。

1993年开始服务于著名的波士顿Sasaki Associates事务所,与包括史都华•道森、埃伦•沃德等在内的多位景观规划设计大师合作,参与了一系列重大项目的设计工作,其中包括印第安纳波利斯市水岸公园。其后又先后任职于HOK旧金山分公司、Hart Howerton事务所,参与并负责了多项景观设计项目。25年的国际化设计实践使其在中西方景观文化比较学方面积累了大量的实践经验,在国际理念融合与创新方面形成了自己独特的见解,并在设计项目中进行了具体而深入的实践。
