Miao Yuntai 缪云台

Miao Yuntai 缪云台

B.A., 1918

Miao Yuntai, who was born in 1894 in Kunming City, Yunnan, came to the U.S. in 1913. He first enrolled at Southwestern College, followed by Illinois University in 1914 before transferring to the University of Minnesota’s School of Mines in 1915. Miao later changed his area of study, graduating in 1918 with a bachelor of arts degree.

He worked for an iron and steel company in New York before returning to China in 1919 to become the director of the Department of Agriculture and Mining in Yunnan. In 1931, he was appointed the chief manager of Yunnan Quanye Bank, while still serving as the director of the Department of Agriculture and Mining. He later became president of Fudian Bank.

In 1955, Miao became a U.S. citizen, but gave up his citizenship and returned to China permanently in 1979. He served as the director of the Board of Directors in China International Trust and Investment Corporation and was then elected to be a member of the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress in 1980. Miao served as vice chairman of the 6th and 7th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, in 1983 and 1988, respectively.

Photo Source:www.baike.com

缪云台, 1894年出生于云南省昆明市,1913年赴美。他首先在西南学院就读,1914年转入伊利诺伊大学,1915年转入明尼苏达大学就读冶矿学院,后转入明尼苏达大学科学文学和艺术学院,1918年获文学学士学位毕业。

毕业后,缪云台在纽约一家钢铁公司工作,1919年回国,出任云南省农业和矿业厅厅长。1931年夏天,任云南劝业银行总经理,并继续在云南省农矿厅担任职务。1934年,缪云台兼任云南省富滇新银行行长。1955年,缪云台正式成为美国公民,1979年他毅然放弃美国国籍,重返中国定居。缪云台曾担任中国国际信托投资公司董事会成员,并于1980年当选为中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会成员。缪云台于1983 年和1988年两次当选为第六届和第七届中华人民共和国全国人民政治协商会议副主席。