M.A., Eastern European History, 1976
Sun Lung-Kee, who was born in 1945 in Chongqing, lived in Hong Kong before receiving bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history from National Taiwan University in 1970. Sun received his master of arts in eastern European history from the University of Minnesota in 1976 and his doctorate in history from Stanford University in 1984.
As a doctorate candidate, Sun published his first book “Deep Structure of Chinese Culture.” After graduating in 1984, Sun became a guest lecturer at Kansas University and in 1985 he was granted the Mellon Fellow Award to serve as a visiting scholar at Washington University in St. Louis for a year. He then worked at Memphis University before he took a professorship position in Taiwan.
Sun has been teaching American history, Russian history and comparative cultural studies at National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan since 2004.
He has published a number of academic papers and books, including “Historians' Warp: Essays in History and Psychology,” “A People Not Yet Weaned,” and “The Chinese National Character From Nationhood To Individuality.”
Photo Source: depthis.ccu.edu.tw
孙隆基1945年生于重庆,后迁至香港,1963年考入国立台湾大学历史系,获学士学位后进入台大历史学研究所,于1970年获硕士学位。1971年,孙隆基赴美国明尼苏达大学就读,进修东亚史,后转俄国史,并于1976 年获东欧史硕士学位。毕业后他进入斯坦福大学攻读博士班,并1984年毕业。
作为知名台湾历史学者,孙隆基现任教育于国立中正大学历史系。1983年他的首部书刊《中国文化的深层结构》在香港发行并获得巨大反响。1984年获得博士学位后,他于肯萨斯大学苏联与东欧研究所与历史系担任任客座教授。1985年他获得梅隆研究员奖,并在圣路易斯市华盛顿大学访问一年。随后于1986年获加拿大克伦研究员奖并于田纳西州孟菲斯大学任教至2004年。 同年12月,孙隆基转赴台湾国立中正大学历史系并任教至今。