Tian Guoqiang 田国强

Tian Guoqiang 田国强

Ph.D., Economics, 1987

Tian Guoqiang received a master’s degree in mathematics in 1982 and a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Minnesota in 1987.

After graduation, he taught at Texas A&M University as an assistant professor from 1987-1991 and as an associate professor from 1991-1995. He has served as the dean of the College of Economics at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics since 2004.

As one of the first Yangtze Scholars selected by the Chinese Ministry of Education, and the first participants and evaluation experts of the Thousand People Plan, he is currently appointed as a member of the policy council for the Shanghai Municipal Government. Tian is also serving as adjunct faculty at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Central China University of Science and Technology, and honorary professor at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics. He serves on the editorial boards of “China Economics Review and Modern China Studies,” “American Review of China Studies,” and “China Economic Quarterly.”

In a survey of the top 1,000 global economists, he ranked #4 for number of publications and #6 for the number of citations among Chinese economists. Tian was recognized as one of the Ten Most Influential Economists in Mainland China by Wall Street Wire in 2005.

Photo Source: bb.shufe.edu.cn


毕业后,他在美国德州A&M大学任教并于1995年成为该大学经济系终身教授。2004年起出任上海财经大学经济学院院长 。作为教育部首批人文社会科学长江学者讲座教授和中组部首批“千人计划”入选者及评审专家,田教授目前兼任上海市人民政府特聘决策咨询专家、香港科技大学、华中科技大学等大学兼职教授,南京财经大学名誉教授,《中国经济评论》和《中国研究评论》等期刊的编委。在1990-2000年全球著名1000名经济学家的论文发表和论文引用次数排名中,田国强分别位居华人经济学家中第4位和第6位。2006年被《华尔街电讯》列为中国大陆十大最具影响力的经济学家之一。