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What's Next for U.S.-China Relations Under Trump 2.0?
As we enter into a new presidential administration in the United States, with attendant possibilities for disruption across a wide range of policy areas, this talk will explore the likely implications for competition, cooperation, and conflict in U.S.-China relations in the years ahead.

Innovation in the Yangtze Delta: A Deep Dive into a Thriving Ecosystem
Alex Gu discusses innovation and startup growth in the Yangtze Delta.

The China Model at a Crossroads: Implications for U.S.-China Relations in a Shifting Global Environment
Yasheng Huang argued against the idea that the China Model policies led to China’s economic takeoff, explaining that many of the challenges facing China today are a direct result of the China Model.

The Expansion of Social Control in China: What Is Continuing and What Is New After Covid
Mark Sidel discussed the range of these means of social control used in China

From the Reform Generation to Generation Xi: A Teacher Returns to a Chinese Classroom After Twenty Years
Journalist and author Peter Hessler talks about his observations living in Fuling.

Intercultural Communication in China
Dr. Hairong Feng discusses the history and development of intercultural communication in China by incorporating her education experiences in the 1990s in Chinese universities, and her recent research and teaching of intercultural communication across the two cultures of the U.S. and China.

Chinese Social Media in Times of Crises
The increasingly complex social and political environments in China and the world have exacerbated the difficulty of understanding the cultures and politics of Chinese social media.

Should the United States change its policies around Taiwan?
Under President Xi Jinping's leadership, China has increased its defense spending, alongside a notable rise in tensions in the Taiwan Strait. As Beijing continues to grow its military capacity, will conflict be inescapable in the Taiwan Strait?

Fragmented Authority: The Interplay of Domestic Politics in Shaping China's Foreign Policy
China is often perceived as a monolithic, top-down authoritarian juggernaut. However, this perspective is at best incomplete and at worst misleading.
Cross-cultural teams propose solutions to addressing climate change
Undergraduates proposed their ideas as part of the China Center's fourth annual China Bridge Challenge.