China Center Scholarship

The China Center Scholarship provides an opportunity for University of Minnesota students to incorporate an educational or research experience in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Macau as part of their academic studies, internships, research, or professional training. This scholarship can be used for the payment—partially or totally—of travel or tuition. Awards are typically $500 to $1,000.


  • Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree student enrolled in a degree-seeking program at the University of Minnesota
  • Applicant must be in good academic standing, with at least a 3.0 GPA, and show potential in their field

Application Process

You will need to submit:

  • Completed scholarship application
  • Faculty recommendation letter
  • Essay (undergraduate students) or research plan/study proposal (graduate students)
  • Current unofficial transcript

After you return, please fill out our post-program report. The information you provide helps us thank the donors who make this scholarship possible.


The China Center Scholarship was created in 2004 by generous donations in honor of the China Center's 25th anniversary. The scholarship fund continues to be supported by individual and corporate donors to the China Center. This scholarship is often referred to as the "red pockets" scholarship in recognition of annual gifts made during the Chinese New Year holiday. In Chinese traditional culture, monetary gifts are put inside a red envelope (or "pocket" in Chinese) and given during holidays or special occasions.