In February, the China Center invited Amy Chua, author of best-selling book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” to present at the 11th Annual Bob and Kim Griffin Building U.S.-China Bridges Lecture. Professor Chua’s lecture, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother: Increasing Mutual Understanding Between U.S. and China,” focused on the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese and American parenting styles and proposed ways in which each culture could learn from one another. More than 400 people attended the lecture, which included a question-and-answer session and book-signing event.
Chua didn’t intend for her book to have foreign policy implications but has come to realize that there is a link between the rise and fall of nations because children today will be the future of America. She says, while Western parenting is too permissive and too indulgent, Chinese parenting doesn’t allow for enough choice and freedom. One of America’s strengths in parenting has always been creativity. In this arena, the Chinese are trying to learn from Westerners. But Chua believes Westerners should try to improve too. She suggests Westerners keep what they do well such as teaching kids to be independent, think outside of the box, and be civic and community oriented. But Westerners should think more about what they don’t do well. Some things Asian nations do well is instilling in their children strong work ethic, self-discipline, and the ability to concentrate.
About the Lecture
The lecture series is endowed through a generous gift from Bob and Kim Griffin. The Griffins are committed to promoting mutual respect between U.S. and Chinese cultures and are passionate about connecting people with China.