On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, over 160 guests attended the annual Bob and Kim Griffin Building U.S.-China Bridges Lecture hosted by the University of Minnesota China Center. This year’s keynote speaker was author and one of China's leading global strategy consultants Dr. Edward Tse.
At the lecture entitled “China’s Disruptors: How Leading Chinese Entrepreneurial Companies are Changing China and the World,” Tse discussed the differences between Chinese and American entrepreneurism and the changing business dynamics in both countries. He mentioned China has become one of the global innovation hubs in inventing new business model and technologies, which brings tremendous opportunities for Chinese local companies to embrace globalization. A question and answer session and a signing of Tse’s “China’s Disruptors” followed the keynote.
About the Speaker
Dr. Edward Tse is founder and CEO of Gao Feng Advisory Company, a pre-eminent global strategy and management consulting firm in China. He is author of 2010’s “China Strategy” and 2015’s bestseller “China’s Disruptors: How Alibaba, Xiaomi, Tencent, and Other Companies are Changing the Rules of Business.” He formerly led the China business of the Boston Consulting Group and Booz Allen Hamilton/Booz & Company, respectively for a period of 20 years and was a leader of the team who set up and led China’s first government-authorized office in Shanghai among all international strategy consulting firms in the early 1990s.