Studying Sports in China

Henry Hughes
China Center Scholarship
My favorite memories from my trip abroad centered around the sporting culture within China. I was completely blown away by the magnitude of the 2008 Olympic grounds and the fact that they continue to reuse the infrastructure. I also enjoyed learning about the plans for the 2022 Winter Olympics that incorporate structures from 2008, while developing new buildings. It was this combination of history as well as future planning that I enjoyed the most.

One of the courses my group took while at Beijing Sport University was a traditional dance class that taught us how to do the "Lion Dance." A key aspect of this dance is being able to jump onto a partner's hips and retain balance. This was a difficult task for many of my classmates, as we had not received extensive training like the Chinese demonstrators. I was very pleased to have been able to execute this component of the dance, and honor the traditional motions the instructors were showing me. It was certainly one of my proudest moments while abroad.

The sports industry is a rapidly expanding career field that has begun to enshroud much of the globe. This can be seen through initiatives from major sports leagues in the USA that have made attempts to play games overseas. With my newfound knowledge surrounding professional and recreation sports in China, I am confident in my abilities to bridge leagues in the USA into China, should my career take that direction.