M.S., Plant Pathology, 1936
Ph.D., Plant Pathology, 1937
M.S., Plant Pathology, 1936
Ph.D., Plant Pathology, 1937
Ling Lee, born in 1911, received a bachelor degree from National Central University in 1931, a master degree and a doctorate degree in plant pathology in 1936 and 1937 from the University of Minnesota.
Ling Lee won the Outstanding Achievement Award from the University of Minnesota in 1971.
Ling Lee, 生于1911年,1931年获得国立中央大学学士学位,后来分别于1936年和1937年获得明尼苏达大学植物病理学硕士和博士学位。
Ling Lee 于1971年被明尼苏达大学授予杰出成就奖章。