Ma Shijun 马世骏

Ma Shijun 马世骏

Ph.D., 1950

Ma Shijun, who was born in 1915 in Yanzhou, Shandong Province, graduated from the Department of Biology at Peking University in 1937. He came to the U.S. as a graduate student in 1948 and received his master’s degree in insect ecology at Utah State University one year later. He then attended the University of Minnesota and received his Ph.D. in 1950. Ma returned to China in 1952 and created the country's first insect ecology lab. He served as a researcher and director at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Experimental Biology, the Insect Ecology Research Office, Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, the Institute of Zoology, Academic Committee, the Research Center for Eco-environmental at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Environmental Research Center. At the same time, he served as a professor at several well-known universities, including Peking University. In 1980, he was elected to be an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He also once worked as an advisor on the State Council Environmental Protection Commission and as chairman of the China Ecological Society.Internationally, Ma served as a pest expert committee member of FAO and UNEP, executive director of the International Institute of Insects, member of the International Committee of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Chairman of the China Committee of the International Union of Biological Sciences, Vice Chairman of International Geosphere - Biosphere Program China Committee, European Eco Academy Corresponding Member, and member of the Royal Entomological Society of England Academy.

Ma published over 150 academic journals and 7 books. He defined the concept of ecology and proposed and established major theories as "social - natural - economy" complex ecosystem and ecological projects. Ma put forward arguments for sustainable development back in the 70s. He and the Norwegian Prime Minister Ms. Brundtland jointly drafted the famous Brundtland Statement: " Our Common Future.”


马世骏,1915年出生于山东兖州。1937年毕业于北平大学农学院生物系。1948年赴美求学并于一年后获得犹他州州立大学昆虫生态学硕士学位。后前往明尼苏达大学并于1950年获得博士学位。1952年,马世骏回到中国并创建了国内首个昆虫生态学实验室。他先后担任了中国科学院实验生物研究所研究员、昆虫生态学研究室主任、西北高原生物研究所研究员及业务苏长,动物研究所副所长、学委会主任、中科院生态环境研究中心主任、生态环境研究中心名誉主任、学术委员会主任, 还同时兼任包括北京大学在内的数所著名高校教授。1980年,他当选为中国科学院院士。历任国务院环境保护委员会顾问、中国生态学会第一届和第二届理事长。在国际上,马世骏教授还曾担任联合国粮农组织和环境规划署有害生物专家委员会委员、国际昆虫学会常务理事、国际系统与进化生物学委员会委员、国际生物科学联合会中国委员会主席、国际地圈-生物圈计划中国委员会副主席、欧洲生态科学院通讯院士和英国皇家科学院昆虫学会会员。

马世骏教授累计发表学术论文150篇,专著7本。他定义了生态学概念并提出和建立了“社会—经济—自然”复合生态系统与生态工程等重大理论,为中国生态学发展作出了奠基性的贡献 。他早在20世纪70年代就提出了可持续发展的论点并曾与挪威首相Brundtland夫人等共同起草了著名的Brundtland宣言:“我们共同的”。